Radical variation of Raaseri.

(pronounced: äksery)
Copyright © 1997-2000
Simo Salanne
Version 1.3, 2-Feb-2000

Xseri was developed from Raaseri like this:

xseri sail plan

Standoff attachment points are red.

  Material Lenght in meters
Spine Strong Carbon, 5-6 mm 0.825 m
Upper spreader Light Carbon, 5-6 mm 0.48 m
Lower spreader Light Carbon, 5-6 mm 0.61 m
Upper Leading Edge Spar Light Carbon, 5-6 mm 0.68 m
Lower Leading Edge Spar Strong Carbon, 5-6 mm 0.68 m
Optional inner standoff
0.23 m from the spine on TE.
Carbon rod 2 mm 0.17 m
Middle standoff
0.44 m from the spine on TE.
Carbon rod 2 mm 0.22 m
Outer (winglet) standoff
0.63 m from the spine on TE.
Carbon rod 2 mm 0.22 m

Turbo bridle dimensions
Upper leg (to the bottom of turbo leg) 0.37 m
Outhaul leg (to the bottom of turbo leg) 0.55 m
Turbo leg 0.13 m
Inhaul leg (to the top of turbo leg) 0.44 m


Subject: Xseri Photo
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 22:05:28 -0700
From: Kent Williams 
To: simo@kfs.org

I finished my Xseri a week ago.  I'm very impressed with 
the kite - great design!  I did an appliqué graphic on 
mine and I though you may be interested.  You could even 
use the photo on your web site for the Xseri if you wish.  
The graphic I used is a CorelDraw clip art graphic.  I put
the photo on my ISP's server so it's easy for people to 
get at instead of e-mailing all interested parties. Image 
is about 50k and is in jpeg format.  

Let me know what you think!


-Kent : Utah Kite Nerd


The copyright of the Xseri plan is owned by Simo Salanne.

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