Typical Construction Details
(Some details vary from size-to-size and from one design to another)
- All frame ends are encased in heavy reinforcement (8 places)
- Where required, extra reinforcing layers in leading edge sleeves prevent stretch along bias of fabric
- Fin is attached with stitching loaded in shear for maximum strength
- Double- or triple-stitched doublers (or hems) carry loads along fin edges, creating a web, rather than over-stressing and distorting the fin fabric - fins stay flat, true and aerodynamically functional
- Extended keels balance high aspect ratio wings - weathercocking dives are prevented by extending fins at both ends

- Spreader pocket tapes wrap around both sides of wing spars for even pull on leading edges
- Dual-function stitching reinforces spreader pocket area and serves to guide wing spars through narrow gap (larger custom kites)
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©2000 Dan Leigh, 54 Osborne Road, Pontypool, Torfaen, Wales, UK NP4 6LX