Go Fly A Kite!! Here’s a great little kite string winder . . . sure to generate some high-flying profits at those upcoming Spring shows and craft fairs Look! Up in the sky!
Step 1: Start by turning a series of large, 3-1/2-inch diameter dowels for the spool centers on your lathe. You’ll want each finished dowel to be 3-1/2-inches long, so we suggest that you turn six or seven dowels at once from a 27-inch” or 28-inch long blank, then cut them apart. Step 2: Next, lay each spool center on your drill press and bore a 1-inch diameter hole through their centers for the axles. Step 3: Make two 6-1/2-inch diameter x 1/4-inch thick spool sides for each winder. Drill a 1-inch diameter hole in the center of each and attach to the sides of your spool center with glue and some small brads. Step 4: Cut out the two sides and top. Step 5: Drill the 1-inch dimete. axle holes and 1/4-inch diameter locking pin hole in the sides. Step 6: Cut all the dowels for the crank handle, holding handle, locking pin and axle locking dowel.
Step 8:
Using a 1/4-inch straight router bit on your MARK V Router set-up or
router table, make the through cuts for the string guide slots
across the centers of the four tops. Step 11: Assemble the sides, top and holding handle with glue and flathead wood screws, as shown. Step 12: Insert the assembled handle through the sides, washers and spool, as shown. Once positioned so the spool turns freely, drill a 1/4-inch diameter hole through the spool and axle (don’t go all the way through the opposite side) to accept the axle locking dowel. Glue into position. Step 13: Drill the 1-inch deep by 1/4-inch diameter spool locking hole through the side with the crank handle and into the spool. Step 14:
Put the 1/2-inch diameter locking pin in your drill chuck and turn down
1-inch of it to 1/4-inch diameter, so it will slip into the hole you
drilled in Step 13, above. Drill a small 1/8-inch hole through
the large end of the pin and tie a short piece of kite string through
this hole. Drill another 1/8-inch diameter hole in the winder
side near the holding handle. Tie the other end of the string to this
hole to prevent the loss of the locking pin. Step 15: Sand and finish to suit. A Note About Size -
The secret to the functionality of a kite winder lies in the diameter
of the spool. The larger the spool diameter, the faster its user
will be able to retrieve the kite…with fewer turns of the crank.
For that reason, serious flyers who enjoy sending their kites great
distances may prefer a larger diameter spool. |