Revolution and other "4 liners"
flying with 2 lines :
Bridling 4-2 (version 2).

For sometimes, I had been preoccupied by the ROGALLO curse, in other words, the impossibility to get away from the Delta shape to obtain a 2 lines stunt kite with the exception of the JALBERT parafoils and the Peter POWELL kites.
The first breakthrough within this curse came from an old commercial kite : the "Trekking Sport", a soft kite derived from the paragliders and equipped with a pulley bridle system bringing together 3 points of the bridle (central, rear leftand rear right) to the two flying lines (left and right).
The fatal breakthrough was the invention of the "Jonathan" by Maxime ROUSSELLE : a "2 liner" with a wing ratio of 5 which won the innovation first prize in Berck in 1996. A creation shaking the Delta monopoly ky its novel shape, its ingenious rudder bar bridling system distributing the static bridles and the warping wing bridles on the two lines.
The drawing of the 4-2 bridle clearly explains how to bridle from 4 to 2. The device is attached to the 4 connecting points of the four lines : B1, B2, B3, B4. The bridles B1-C, B2-C have a lenght of 141 cm, and the brides B'3-B0 and B'4-B0 = 115 cm. The B3-B'3 and B4-B'4 depend on the "4 liner" model and wind strength, 24 cm long for the Revolution 1.5 . At the C point, I use a fishing rod ring to ease the sliding of the G-C-D bridle which is 275 centimeters long and made of Topline 135 Kg (or Dyneema). You must slighty adjust the length of the B0-C bridle (= 10 cm long for the Revo 1.5) in order to get B'3-G and B'4-D bridles just taut. The B3-B'3-G and B4-B'4-D bridles, 257 centimeters long, act upon the incidence of each "wing" of the kite.
Depending the wind strength, you will have to adjust the general angle of attack of the sail by modifying the length of the B3-B'3 and B4-B'4 bridles : +/- 4 cm long.
I experimented the 4-2 bridle on very different kites : the Revolution, my DoubleV 100, my Sledmatiste C3. The flight is generally classical if we refer to the "2 liners", but the control of the kite at low speed is somewhat more difficult. To come more easily out of the turns and most of all, out of spin, pull simultaneously on the 2 lines as you do for a fighter kite. On the other hand, if your kite lands on its leading hedge, simply pull one of the lines to force it to pivot rearward.