Click images for close-ups.
Layout is based on 3 x 48" (1/8") carbon rods.
This yields 144" circumference, which yields a
diameter of 45.85" for the frame. I arbitrarily
decided on 45" for the diameter of the kite sail.
Get a piece of oak tag
or other template material 48" x 48" and draw a horizontal line
all the way across and centered vertically.
Draw a 45" circle centered on the horizontal line. Pictured is an aluminum
bar with trammel points. A pencil replaces one of the points to create a compass.
A yard stick with holes drilled for a small nail and a pencil works just as well.
Place the point of the compass at the right intersection of the horizontal
line and the circle. Scribe a mark where the pencil meets the circle
top and bottom.
Repeat at the left intersection and you will now have a circle
with six equidistant marks around it. (the six marks can be seen
more clearly on the next step)
Time to draw a vertical line.
Measure in 7" from each intersection of the horizontal line and the circle.
Place the point of the compass at one of the new marks and scribe a small
arc above and below the horizontal line across from the center point.
Repeat from the other end.
You will now have two "X" marks.
Draw a vertical line top to bottom on the template using the "X" marks.
The line should cross the circle at top and bottom and go through the
center point. The intersections of the vertical line and the circle will
be used to mark the next six points.
Place the point of the compass at the top intersection of the vertical
line and the circle. Scribe a mark where the pencil meets the circle
left and right.
Repeat at the bottom intersection and you will now have a circle
with twelve equidistant marks around it.
Draw a straight line from one point to the next all the way around the circle.
The template can be used full size or be cut into sections
for various color schemes for the sail.