Nasa ParaWing
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useful nodes ...
All these nodes will be usefulto get a "perfect" kite

inside loop

to do nice loops, you need a piano wire. bent it to make a needle shape

  • mark on the cord the exact position of the loop
  • 5 to 6 cm under this point (red arrow) insert the piano wire inside the cord. Push it out where needed (blue point) 
  • put the end of the cord into the "needle"
  • you shouldn't burn the cord end. Otherwise, it will be difficult to enter into the cord...
  • pull slowly the piano wire
  • to ease the insertion of the cord rol the cord with your fingers
  • pull the cord outside the midle of the loop 

  • you can put another cord inside the loop
  • pull strongly to fasten the loop
            • cut the excess of cord
            • hide it inside the cord
            • put a drop of cyano-acrylate glue to fix everything
NICE no ?

slipping node

make a node at the end of the cord
a second one just above
pull the cord ... it's so simple !

lark node

everybody knows it !