Woodpecker Kites » No Knots » Blast

Get Rid Of The Knots On Your Blast

Click on the photos for a closer look.
blast.le.cap.jpg The leading edge of my Blast with the bungee-cap.
The bungee is threaded through both holes in the sail and larks-headed to the cap.
blast.spar.back.jpg Back view of a spar.
The bungee is threaded through both holes in the sail and larks-headed to the cap. Slip the spar under the bungee.
blast.spar.front.jpg Front view of a spar.
blast.spar.top.jpg blast.spar.top.jpg blast.spar.top.jpg blast.spar.top.jpg blast.spar.top.jpg
Top view (back) of a spar at the leading edge.
1) the loop of the bungee-cap was threaded through both holes in the sail. 2) the bungee is brought up and over the L.E. and under itself. 3) the bungee is pushed trough the hole in the cap 4) then larks-headed around the body of the the cap. 5) larkshead the bridle to the cap.
blast.spar.front.jpg Top view (front) of a spar.

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