Last up date:2000/01/03

List of Materials

1) Sail : Plastic sheet or Ripstop or equivalent

2) Spar : 2mm depth ~ 10mm width ~ necessary length (Bamboo or equivalent)

3) Vertical Spar : 2mm depth ~ 10mm width ~necessary length(Bamboo or equivalent)

4) Connecting bolt and nut : 3mm@diameter ~ 15mm length

Each sail of wings are bonded with plastic adhesive or soldering iron or adhessive tape.

Sails are fastened with plastic adhesive or adhesive tape with spar or frame.

Horizontal spar and vertical spar is connected by bolt and nut so as to make movement of frames.

Details of the Plan

1. General View

2. Wing A

3. Wing B

4. Wing C

5. Wing D

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