Harald Prinzler
Detmolder Straße 42
D-33189 Schlangen
Phone: +49-5252-7830
Fax: +49-5252-7830
email: hprinzler@aol.com
URL: http://members.aol.com/hprinzler

Plan Flowform no. 4

Description: Flowform with a molar shape
Created by: Harald Prinzler
Creation date: november 07, 1998
Last change: june 09, 1999

All values are related to the base line of the profile (lower leading edge
to trailing edge = 100). With the given datas you should calculate all
pieces of the kite depending on your chosen base line.

The length of the base line should be 2 metres or more. For shorter base
lines the maximum height of the profile could be too small.

The width of the chamber should be between 10 and 15. In my pencil sketch I
used 10. So, the area of the bottom surface has a height of 100 and a width
of 80.

The trailing edges of the chambers C4 are open. Cut the surfaces between
profiles P4 and P5 between the ends of the profiles. All other trailing
edges are closed.

The distances for air flow holes on the surfaces are related to the leading
edges. On top side use the upper leading edge, on bottom side use the lower
leading edge.

The length of the bridle lines are calculated for a chamber width of 10.
For other chamber width, take 2.5 times the width of the kite for B1 and
use Pythagoras to calculate the length of the other bridle lines.

P_      Profile number
P1      Outer profiles, no vents
P5      Center profile, use the profile P4 and cut the trailing edge at
        x-position 50 (Height at trailing edge is not zero).
C_      Chamber number
K_      Keel number
B_      Bridle line number
Xp      X-position from leading edge to trailing edge. 0 is the lower
        leading edge.
Yp      Y-position from profile base line to maximum profile height.
L.E.    Leading edge
T.E.    Trailing edge

Bottom view:
        (Leading edge)
        P1   P2   P3   P4   P5   P4   P3   P2   P1
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
        | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C4 | C3 | C2 | C1 |
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
        |    |    |    |   ---   |    |    |    |
        |    |    |    | /     \ |    |    |    |
        |    |    |    /         \    |    |    |
        |    |    |  /             \  |    |    |
        |    |     /                 \|    |    |
        |    |   /                     \   |    |
        |    | /                         \ |    |
        |    /                             \    |
        |  /                                 \  |
        |/                                     \|
        (Trailing edge)

Front view:
        (Upper leading edge)
        P1   P2   P3   P4   P5   P4   P3   P2   P1
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
        | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C4 | C3 | C2 | C1 |
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
        |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |
        K1        K2        K2        K2        K1
        B3        B2        B1        B2        B3

Side view: (Keel only)
      T.E. (Profile base line)  L.E.
       K1 --__        \K2        |
              --__      \        |
                  --__    \      |
                      --__  \    |
                          --__\  |

Data tables
        Profile P1:                     Profile P2:
        Xp          Yp                  Xp          Yp
        ------------------------        ------------------------
        0           0                   0           0
        -7.735      14.044              -7.735      14.044
        0.000       17.213              0.000       17.213
        6.250       17.824              6.250       17.824
        12.500      18.005              12.500      18.005
        18.750      17.846              17.679      17.846
        25.000      17.409              22.857      17.409
        37.500      15.882              33.214      15.882
        50.000      13.690              43.571      13.690
        62.500      10.992              53.929      10.992
        75.000      7.869               64.286      7.869
        87.500      4.343               74.643      4.343
        93.750      2.420               79.821      2.420
        100.000     0                   85.000      0
        0           0                   0           0

        Profile P3:                     Profile P4/P5:
        Xp          Yp                  Xp          Yp
        ------------------------        ------------------------
        0           0                   0           0
        -7.735      14.044              -7.735      14.044
        0.000       17.213              0.000       17.213
        6.250       17.824              6.250       17.824
        12.500      18.005              12.500      18.005
        16.607      17.846              15.536      17.846
        20.714      17.409              18.571      17.409
        28.929      15.882              24.643      15.882
        37.143      13.690              30.714      13.690
        45.357      10.992              36.786      10.992
        53.571      7.869               42.857      7.869
        61.786      4.343               48.929      4.343
        65.893      2.420               51.964      2.420
        70.000      0                   55.000      0
        0           0                   0           0

        For profile P5 cut the trailing edge at Xp=50

        Keel K1                         Keel K2
        Xp          Yp                  Xp          Yp
        ------------------------        ------------------------
        0           0                   0           0
        0           -36                 0           -36
        100         0                   50          0
        0           0                   0           0

Air flow holes:
        Chamber Dist.   Diameter        Dist.   Diameter
                (Bottom surface)        (Top surface)
        C1      10      5               78      5
        C2      20      4               58      4
        C3      30      3               39      3
        C4      40      2               19      2

        Profile Xp,Yp   Diam.   Xp,Yp   Diam.   Xp,Yp   Diam.   Xp,Yp   Diam.
                (Vent 1)        (Vent 2)        (Vent 3)        (Vent 4)
        P1      (no vents)
        P2      20,7    10      35,7    10      50,6    8       65,3.5  3
        P3      20,7    10      35,7    10      50,4    4       -
        P4      20,7    10      35,5    6       -               -
        P5      20,7    10      35,5    6       -               -
        (Positions are related to the lower leading edge)

Bridle lines: (Width=80, B1=2.5*Width)
        Line    Length
        B1      200
        B2      201
        B3      204

©1999 Harald Prinzler