Kite Plan - Fantasy Kite
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PDF PDF version of plan, rendered by Joachim Lang (67K)

Standard Disclaimer: This plan describes the construction of my Fantasy Kite exactly as I built it. It is very likely that you will disagree with some of the design choices - I don't claim to be a master kite builder so feel free to adapt it.

A slightly more detailed version of this plan was published in Drachen Magazin, issue 8/98.
If you build this kite I would very much appreciate hearing from you.


Sail Any type of quality ripstop nylon or polyester.
  • spine: 6mm carbon
  • main horiz. spreaders and 'horns': 4mm carbon
  • secondary horiz. spreaders: bamboo or 2mm fibreglass
  • framing for crescent-shaped aux. sails: 2mm fibreglass
  • framing for disc-shaped aux. sails: rattan
  • Eddy connectors (2): for main horiz. spreaders
  • plastic tubing: for all other connections
  • ferrule (1): for spine (if you wish to split it)
  • bungee
  • tensioning line
  • dacron for reinforcement
  • assorted end caps and split caps



  • Fig.1 (28K): spar measurements
  • Fig.2 (33K): sail measurements
  • Fig.3 (32K): sail construction details
  • Fig.4 (31K): auxiliary sail details
  • Sail

    The sail measurements are specified in Fig.2. Measurements do not include any seam allowance.

    The construction of the main sail is straightforward. Don't forget to add pockets for the secondary horiz. spreaders, tabs for the bungees and tensioning line, and reinforcement patches where required. The 'horns' should have a hollow seam or fabric tunnel running along most of the leading edge to accommodate the spreaders. Refer to Fig.3.

    The auxiliary sails require a bit of fiddly sewing, since you have to create curved, hollow seams; see Fig.4.1. Don't forget to leave a gap in the middle for inserting the spar and connecting it to the horizontal spreader.


    The construction should be obvious from Fig.1. The details of attaching the aux. sails to the horiz. spreader and connecting the 'horns' to the spine are illustrated in Fig.4.

    You may wish to split the spine for easier transportation. If so, place the ferrule as far down the spine as possible, to lower the center of gravity.

    All of the spars which are inserted into connectors should be reinforced with approx. 10cm of snugly fitting spar, glued into place. Add end caps and split caps as necessary.

    Final Touches

    Slide the aux. sails onto the main horiz. spreader as shown in Fig.4.1. Adjust the tensioning lines - the horiz. tensioning lines should, of course, be located behind the aux. sails.

    When disassembling, I never bother to remove the aux. sails from the spreaders; I simply stow the 2 spreaders plus attached sails in a large plastic bag. You should definitely avoid disassembling the aux. sails - it's such a bother that you would probably never fly your kite because it takes so long to assemble.

    The bridle is a simple 2-leg bridle. If your kite tends to the left or right, adjust the positioning of the aux. sails until it is properly balanced. If you still experience stability problems, consider moving the lower tow point up a bit or simply add a tail.

    Happy flying - and please email any questions, comments or suggestions.

    Last Updated: Sep 22, 1999