Cross Deck Project

The following is a modified guide to the construction of the Cross Deck, originally designed by Carl Crowell, that was printed in the “Kitelines” magazine, Vol. 10, No. 2.

The basic panel dimensions remain the same. The inside radius of the wing tips panel and the adjacent main panel radius were changed slightly to provide more sail area, thus improving low wind efficiency without sacrificing beauty in the sky.

The original plan uses a solid color main sail and perhaps a second color for the wing tips. (The “Kitelines” article photos make it more difficult to tell). However, using two colors and inserting a center stripe matching the wing tips enhances the kite’s appearance. Graphics are a personal choice.

The following guide provides instructions to construct a kite with a stripe down the center of the main sail.

What to do first:

          Select your favorite fabric and colors.

Take note:          Material 54” wide will give the best layout and the least amount of waste.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The fabric you chose may have a shiny surface on one side and a dull surface on the other side – keep this in mind when laying out panels.