Big Wind Kite Factory, Moloka'i, Hawai'i presents:
20 Kids * 20 Kites * 20 Minutes
Uncle Jonathan's easiest classroom kites

For over 15 years the Big Wind Kite Factory has been giving kite
making classes for the children on the island of Moloka'i in Hawai'i.
These are the complete time tested instructions to get 20 kids making their
own kites and flying them in 20 minutes.
Material list:
- 20 sheets of brightly colored 8 1/2" x 11" typing paper.
- 20 8" bamboo bar-b-que shishkabab sticks.
- 1 roll of florescent surveyor's flagging plastic tape. Available at
any hardware store. A plastic bag cut in a 1" wide spiral all
around will also make a great tail.
- 1 roll 1/2"wide masking tape or any type of plastic tape..
- 1 roll of string. (At least 200', 6 to 10 feet for each child.)
- 20 pieces of 1"x 3" cardboard on which to wind the string.
- Scissors.
- Hole punch. (optional)
- Fold a sheet of 8 1/2" x 11" paper in half to 8 1/2" x 5 1/2".
- Fold again along the diagonal line A in Fig.2.
- Fold back one side forming kite shape in Fig.3 and place tape firmly
along fold line AB.(No stick is needed here because the fold stiffins the paper and acts like a spine.)
- Place bar-b-que stick from point C to D and tape it down firmly.
- Cut off 6 to 10 feet of plastic ribbon and tape it to the bottom of
the kite at B.
- Flip kite over onto its back and fold the front flap back and forth
until it stands straight up.(Otherwise it acts like a rudder and the kite
spins around in circles.)
- Punch a hole in the flap at E, about 1/3 down from the top point A.
- Tie one end of the string to the hole and wind the other end onto the
cardboard string winder.

When you are in Hawai'i please be sure and drop in for one of our
factory tours. There's one starting in about 3 minutes.
Our email address is bigwind@aloha.net>
Email us your comments or
requests for additonal information
p.s. We offer free flying lessons daily.
No strings attached.