Kite arches
One of the most impressive categories, but for sure one the most work intensive categories. An arche of kites consists of many many kites side by side, describing a huge arche of kites in the sky, where the two ends of this chain are attached to the ground and the middle part gets lifted into the air.
20 Anniversary Kite Arch Plan Fort Worden Kitemakers Conference
misc, arches eng
Arco de Eddys Frans Nijhuis
misc, arches esp
Bauanleitung Eddy-Kette Helmut Gubisch
misc, arches deu
Eddy bow Frans Nijhuis
misc, arches eng
Eddy bue kæde Bjarne Madsen
misc, arches deu
Hamburger Querkette Michael Böttcher
misc, arches deu
Kite Arch Doldrums Kite Club
misc, arches eng
Kite Arch John Murray
misc, arches eng
Ohashi Kette Michael Steltzer
misc, arches deu
The Windbow George Peters
misc, arches eng