Precision kites

The 4 lines of the precision kites allow the two sides of the kite to be controlled quite independant, this gives the pilot great control over the flight direction, making maneuver possible that are either impossible or incredibly hard to fly with dual line kites, like stopping the kite everywhere where you want, flying backwards or sliding the kite horizontally through the whole window, main bar of the kite parallel to the ground.
3D Dazzz
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Anar-Chic Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
Apocalypse Charlie MClary
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Batman Josselin Millecamps
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
Batman Emmanuel Guerif
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
Biplane Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
Biplane Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Brochette d'Eaux Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
Bubulle 4 Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
Bubulle 4 Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Cassiopeia Bjarne Høj Madsen
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Cassiopeia Bjarne Høj Madsen
3 - 4 lines, precision dan
Cerf-volant 4 fils A Ciel Ouvert
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Croissant de Lune Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
DoubleV 100 Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
Duo d'Arc Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Duo d'Arc Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
Flash Carl Robertshaw
3 - 4 lines, precision esp
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Junebug Stanley Kellar
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Le Blanc et le Noir Didier Ferment
3 - 4 lines, precision fra
Megué KeenOnKites
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Megué KeenOnKites
3 - 4 lines, precision deu
Megué Stacked KeenOnKites
3 - 4 lines, precision deu
Megué Stacked KeenOnKites
3 - 4 lines, precision eng
Mi Airbow Jordi Morella
3 - 4 lines, precision esp
Miindor Joan Faura
3 - 4 lines, precision esp
Minirevo Joan Faura
3 - 4 lines, precision esp