Indoor kites

This kites are especially for flying indoor, in wide enough halls. They are, besides beeing constructed with ultralight material, designed to be flown with short lines, normally between 5 and 10 meters.
2 lines, indoor fra
Broken Glass Josh Wolff
2 lines, indoor eng
Electron Josselin Millecamps
2 lines, indoor fra
Gnomo Roberto Grillo
2 lines, indoor ita
2 lines, indoor ned
Iris Building Notes Stanley Kellar
2 lines, indoor eng
Micro-Tec Associazione Tivolivola
2 lines, indoor ita
Miro Lukas Kessler
2 lines, indoor deu
Nic-Olà Associazione Tivolivola
2 lines, indoor ita
Nowind Volker
2 lines, indoor deu
Prism 3D Prism Kites
2 lines, indoor eng
Pump Carl Robertshaw
2 lines, indoor esp
2 lines, indoor eng
Rebel Pim Kusters
2 lines, indoor eng
Tranquillizer Carl Robertshaw
2 lines, indoor esp
Trick Tac Ronald Krueger
2 lines, indoor eng
Trick Tac Claus Hansen
2 lines, indoor dan
2 lines, indoor esp
X4I BuenaVista
2 lines, indoor eng