Le Virus - Building description

Christian's Viruses
Picture © 2004 by Toni Bastianelli showing Christian's Virus on the left and Toni's Virus on the right.


This page is dedicated to a kite called 'Le Virus'. It's designed by Christian Derefat. On this page you will find some historic notions of how this page came to be, what the origins of the kite are and most important the plan itself including a list of materials needed. If you're interested in other plans from Christian or would like to see some videos of various tricks take a look at Christians site.

Right now this page focusses on the plans itself and on various add-ons:

A number of photo albums showing different aspects of Le Virus in various stages of building it:

In the future this page could contain also:

There is one last important thing to mention: the online workshop at GWTW. That's the place to discuss various options and seek help with fellow builders. We'll try to feed the information back to this page.

History of this page

The kite 'Le Virus' is based on a plan from Christian Derefat. Initially he was willing to share his plans on an 'ask-first' basis. This meant you had to send him an email and he would send you the plans. This functioned quite nicely. There was one but ... the plans were good but left some room to interpretation. This was the reason some kite-enthousiasts from the GWTW-forum got together. What followed was a lot of emails to share their interpretations, photos, ideas and descriptions of the plan. This page was primarily intended as a means of helping each other while at the same time provide Christian with an English description of his kite 'Le Virus'. It all changed when Christian decided to "open up" his plans and let them be distributed and discussed. A thread dedicated to building the Virus was formed on GWTW. The result of that thread in combination with the original plans from Christian is what you are reading right now.

Plan description

This paragraph contains some additional information about lengths, position of cutouts and yoyo-stoppers.
Cut the different rods to the following lenghts:


This page came together with the help of the following people:
Christian Derefat - designer of Le Virus
Toni Bastianelli (Bastia)
Ossi Suominen (OssiS)

Questions about the workshop ?

If you've got any questions about the workshop, the plans or other things concerning Le Virus please email us at virus.workshop at gmail.com and we'll try to answer your question.

Last modified: Thu Nov 4 20:48:59 CET 2004