freedom 2000
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A nice flight of freedom 2000 depends mainly on the correct bridling of the kite
The upper rod is maintained into the sheath with elastic cord.
Verticale rods is fastened on the back of the kite :
  • the upper side is fixed with elastic cord as close as possible to the horizontal rod,
  • the bottom side is fixed with a "loose" 6 cm ring of elastic.
  • bridling is the same for each triangle :
    • middle bridle : A (black),
    • upper bridle : B, C, D (yellow),
    • vertical bridle : E, F, G, H, I (red)

    middle bridle :
    A = two loops : 9 cm.

    upper bridle :
    B = (loop + cord) : 74 cm,
    C = uper line loop : 8 cm,
    D = (cord + loop) : 55 cm.

    bride verticale :
    E = (loop + cord) : 26,5 cm,
    F = bottom line loop : 4 cm,
    G = cord : 50 cm,
    H = loop : 2 cm,
    I = (cord + loop) : 30 cm

    important :

  • bridles are made with a single cord each,
  • dimensions are given with a tense cord  (you must add margins for go/back of loops),
  • H loop goes through upper line loop C,
  • knots used for tips loops and  H loop are  "chaise" knots,
  • knots for C et F loops are archery knots.
  • upper an bottom lines (20 m cord) are respectively fastened to C and F loops of the kite.
    Handles can be done either with plastic or aluminium pipe diameter 20 mm. The pipe is 30 cm long and bent on a third of its lenght.